
SiteLauncher Administrator

What is SiteLauncher Administrator

SiteLauncher Administrator is a tool for admins of a particular team to customize the websites and categories that display on their team's SiteLauncher apps.

Loading a Group to edit

When you first login to the Admin portal, there will not be any Categories or links available to edit. To load the Group that you would like to edit, select the Select a Group dropdown list and select a group you would like to begin editing. You will see your established Categories and websites appear along with the name of the file you are currently editing.

Adding a new website

Websites are grouped by Category. The name of the category is depicted by a blue row, while gray rows under it are websites within that category. To add a new website, first locate the Category that you would like to add the website to. Select the Add (+) button in the last row of that Category to add a new website (when moused over, the button will turn Green).

The name of the website should be entered within the textbox labeled Enter New Site Name, while the complete URL for the website should be entered within the textbox labeled Enter New Site URL.

Note: The URL for the website must be the full URL, and include either http:// or https://

Changing the Name or URL of an existing website

To change the name or URL of a website already listed, simply adjust the text within the textboxes of a site entry. The top textbox indicates the Name, while the bottom is the URL.

Reordering websites within a Category

Websites can be reordered to your preferences. Reordering is controlled by the up and down arrows on the right side of a website entry. Select the Up arrow to shift the website up one position, and select the Down arrow to shift the website down one position.

Deleting a website

Website entries can be deleted one at a time by selecting the Delete (X) button at the left side of a website entry (when moused over, the button will turn Red).

Creating a new Category

Categories are indicated by blue rows. To add a new Category, locate the blank blue row at the bottom of your list and select the Add (+) button (when moused over, the button will turn Blue). The name of the Category should be entered within the textbox labeled New Group.

Changing the Name of an existing Category

To change the name of a Category, simply adjust the text within the textbox of a Category row.

Deleting a Category

Categories can be deleted one at a time by selecting the Delete (X) button at the left side of a website entry (when moused over, the button will turn Red).

Note: Deleting a Category will also delete all websites within that Category.

Saving your existing list of websites and categories

At any time, to save your current progress simply select the Save button located below your website list. This will save your current configuration of Categories and websites, but it will not push the list to the SiteLauncher web app.

Pushing your list to production

To promote your current configuration of websites to production and have that appear on your team's SiteLauncher app, select the Push Live button located below your website list. This will immediately promote the configuration to the new default list of websites, and will appear on your team's SiteLauncher app upon reload.

Note: Pushing your configuration to production will also save that list.

Reverting to a previous configuration of websites

We all make mistakes! We've got you covered - any time you Save and Push Live, we save that configuration as another Backup file that can be loaded at any time. Your list of available backups appears at the very bottom of the Administrator tool, and is separated by the time of creation. To load a previous configuration, select the file with the date and time you would like to revert back to.

Note: Loading a previous backup will NOT overwrite your current live configuration until Push Live is selected.

Deleting a Backup

If you find your list of backups getting a bit long, you can remove some of the older backups to tidy up the list. Backups can be deleted one at a time by selecting the Delete (X) button at the left side of a website entry (when moused over, the button will turn Red).